Each trip will have its own method of transport and type of accomodation.
Most trips will start from a central location in the country in which the trip is being made, such as a certain airport or train station. For most trips, we will offer local in-trip transport to get you to and from the central location and the areas the adventure takes place in. The in-trip travel is normally inclusive in the total trip price.
Accomodation will normally be in hostels or in tents or a combination, depending on the type of adventure. This is again normally included in the total trip price.
As people have a wide range of different dietry preferences and budgetary limits, we generally do not provide food and drink, and also do not provide this on the trips, unless this has been agreed in advance. Although most hostels will offer breakfast, which may be included in the price. At the start of each trip, and when appropriate during the trip, we will facilitate time to make food purchaces. We will also make sure you know what you will need and what means of food preparation is available.